Community Chili Cook Off….
Join in the family friendly fun competition for the best chili in the greater Grand Rapids area.
November 9, 2024
Location: New Life Community Church 17659 Woodburn Ave. Grand Rapids, Ohio
- No charge to compete or to participate.
- Competitors need to register prior to November 7.
- Competitors will make a homemade chili (no store mixes) at home, that will be left at the church hall by 5:30 on November 9 in a crockpot that is around 6 quarts in size.
- Chilis are judged by participants who are given a sample of each chili and asked to choose their favorite.
- Prizes will be awarded for the top 3 chilis and one people’s choice award. Categories of judging: Creativity, Heat, Appearance, and Flavor
- Following the judging, the chili will be available to share with the community.
- Chips, crackers, breads, desserts and drinks will be provided.